Friday, 23 April 2010

New day, New blog, New idea

Gorgeous day here today, ridiculously blue sky. Not sure if this is going to be a diary blog or a 'here's what I think about bees' kinda blog... maybe it will evolve over time.

Well, anyway, today I'm trying to get organised - and have a current to-do list for today of 26 things. This seems alot to me, but it's about the same every day somehow, and I'll do about 10 of them on a good day. I've been putting off other things for weeks... so maybe my organisational system is flawed. But ticking things off is always good...

Came across this on my twitter-following travels, which got me thinking. As I seem to be trending "new things" it occured to me I have many 'bad' habits which it would be nice
to change. The article does, however, seem to compare having a bad habit of, say, getting up late to the addictive bad habits of say smoking cigarettes which is hopefully stretching things abit... but anyways - things to change:

  1. going to bed earlier and getting up earlier (I think this may be connected to a period of low motivation on my PhD, but I used to get up at 8, which has now slipped to 9 and even 10 lately. This is bad on all levels.)
  2. total lack of exercise (I used to go running, but after-work tiredness meant I could only run before work, and long-story-short this meant I was getting up at 6am every morning. But them it got dark and cold (ie winter happened) and now I'm totally out the habit. But the old motivator had returned (weight, charity half-marathon) so this is one that may be worth taking up again. It also has the benefit of fulfilling (1.) aswell.)
  3. eating badly (once a takeaway was a treat, now I get one because cooking seems annoying and my food unappealing. 'Nuff said, this one has to change - for my wallet's sake if nothing else!)
  4. extra-curricular what? (once I spent my spare time doing stuff that was useful. I learned software, made websites, wrote stories, went out... but my energy seems to have been sapped and these things just fell away.)
So, I can make excuses for all of these. Many of them are half decent, on a short scale. But totally not on a long scale! Infact, looking up, these are all potentially connected. What I need is possible a life makeover or something. Or maybe, a life-return - I wasn't always like this after all... And the sky is blue, it's Spring, what better time to make a change for the better? So, ok, things which will change and the changes I will make. (Hopefully can bypass the 'change one-habit at at time' thing with the fact th all part of the same game anyway...)
  1. aim to go to bed between 10-11 and get up at 7am to go running (not as drastic as 6am, and it'll get me up earlier. If I get into a regular sleep- cycle might make me feel more awake too)
  2. next tesco shop order things from the old '10 day detox' diet I used before to get me started (yes, I know what you're going to say, but this really helped me get my meal sizes decent again, and into eating/making quick healthy food.)
  3. do something different every evening (not exactly hard to stick to, I can fit in a relaxing evening after a crappy work day, work through a tutorial or two on the next night etc)
Great, I now have a plan ^_^ ... lets see what happens :D

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