Saturday, 5 June 2010

Note: freecycle and hamsters

I have recently discovered something called 'freecycle' which is a nationwide collection of yahoo groups serving as message boards. There is, for example, a Swansea-freecycle - as there is also a Cardiff-freecycle, a London free-cycle etc

Make a yahoo account and sign up to your nearest group, then you can view the message boards. People post up messages basically giving things away free in that particular area. It's then up to members to reply if they're interested, and organise a pickup between them. It can also all helpfully be forwarded to you email in daily digest portions.

I'm not just sharing a community service in thrifty times (the idea is you give as much as you take), but I wanted to show you one of the more awesome posts I read on there...
WANTED: HAMSTER CAGE --> Would be greatful for anything, minor incident involving a tv and a plastic hamster cage last night led to a homeless hamster. Please help as he is currently living in a bowl. Thank you

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