Wednesday 7 July 2010

Note: a small piece of Scottish beauty

I’m working nonstop this week (only a week to accomplish the impossible for my course) so not much chance to write - or internet access really. I’ll leave you with a minor miracle for today. Oban is a rainy place, as my previous entry can attest. Far from being an anomalous day, rain is a constant companion, overcast and damp and punctuated by 15 minute surprise shots of sunshine. You never know what it’s going to do, though it is inevitably pretty, especially in the sun. I had infact forgotten what the sun felt like, until a chance encounter with a sunbeam whilst sitting in the bus this evening made me remember.

Anyway, so I’m up in Oban working on numerical modelling for my uni course, at the Scottish Association of Marine Sciences (SAMS), an institute sitting on the shores of a loch. I’d been told how pretty it was, but didn’t quite realise how pretty ‘till the sun came out for briefly for the first time since I’d been there. I rushed outside and snapped a quick panorama. It’s below, hopefully bigger if you choose to click on it...

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