Wednesday 16 June 2010

Note: Jung and Darth Vadar

A lighter note from my previous posts - I came across this article in Holy Kaw, which talks about a psychiatric investigation, presented at a conference and published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, psycho-analysing Darth Vadar. The character. He apparently suffered from 'borderline personality disorder'.

The full story is here, where the journalist is loving each and every pun he can find.

My point, which hardly needs saying really, is that this is maybe not so much worthy of a full psychiatric investigation but more as a footnote in a literary analysis. That perhaps scientific study of the human psyche is best targeted at the study of humans not characters no doubt constructed with such mental instabilities in mind. I mean, possibly a study of Star Wars in order to psychoanalyse their author might be an interesting approach...

Still, I don't want to force the issue... >_>

Also of note, I have spelled psycho no less that 7 times in various forms in this rather short blog, and not one time has it be the right way. Very thankful for spellcheckers right now.

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