Friday 11 June 2010

Some new arrivals ^_^

Two corydoras (catfish), endearingly
So, in honour of my birthday, my mum brought down a small (2ft) tropical fishtank, and the remaining fish from her large tank at home. These were a very hardy bunch surviving a journey in a car, moving the tank down a steep set of stairs, and a further 2 days in a bucket while we thoroughly cleaned the tank and its equipment. As we had no idea how to set a tank up this took alittle while, and alittle trial and error to get everything sorted. Right now the tank is murky, but I expect it’ll take afew days to clear. The air pump isn’t quite working either, so hopefully we’ll get a new one tomorrow, aswell as some new fish, which should make a difference. Anyhow, I have included some pics of the hardy fish, for posterity.

Plec-like thing on the left 'rosy barb'
possibly on the right

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