Saturday 1 May 2010

Irked: 3D films are discriminatory

3D may be the new thing, but the media hyp has totally ignored how discriminatory this new evolution of cinema is to visually impaired people. This really annoys me. My boyfriend is partially sighted, which means the 'wonders of 3D' are totally unavailable to him, and it really gets me every time I see his face when one of those 3D film/tv/adverts comes on.

I've been to cinemas where's they're only showing the 3D version of new films, which really isn't on. I know where commercial value is concerned, the many outweigh the needs of the few... but it would be nice if they had, say, developed glasses partially sighted people could wear in these cases, which would enable them to see maybe the 2D version when everybody else is seeing 3D. (Seriously, watching a 3D film without glasses is a lesson in how to give yourself a migraine...)

I suppose that technically the whole cinema industry itself is discriminatory against the fully visually or auditory impaired. But I really think they could be doing more, or acknowledging it atall. With the growing prevalence of this particular form of cinema, they should really be doing something to mitigate this for the millions who are missing out.

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